ParlFossilFree at COP29

How to Make Polluters Pay for Adaptation and Loss and Damage - A Parliamentary View
Organizers: German MP Kathrin Henneberger and Germanwatch, with DanChurchAid and Heinrich-Böll-Foundation

Parliamentary Dialogue on Finance for Adaptation and Loss and Damage
Organizers: DanChurchAid and ParlFossilFree, with the Climate Emergency Collaboration Group
Venue: TBC

Global Legislators’ Call Against LNG: Paving the Way to a Fossil-Free Future
Participants: Germany MP Lisa Badum and Canada Senator Rosa Galvez (co-initiators of the Global Legislators’ Call), Bolivia Senator Cecilia Requena, Uganda MP Biyika Lawrence Songa, Tanzania MP Nusrat Hanje, Tanzania, Egypt MP Sahar Albazar, Austria MP Lukas Hammer, and Nepal MP Anjan Shakya.

IRENA Legislators Dialogue
IRENA COP29 Legislators Dialogue: “Tripling Renewable Power by 2030: Accelerating Renewable Energy Investment”
Speakers include Germany MP Lisa Badum and Canada Senator Rosa Galvez.

Asia’s Coal Phase-Down: Key Takeaways and Shared Pathways
Organizer: Solutions for Our Climate
Speaker: Nepal MP Anjan Shakya

A United Path to a Fossil-Free Future: U.S. and Global Legislative Action on Climate
Speakers: US Senator Ed Markey, Brazil MP Livia Duarte, Canada Senator Rosa Galvez, Egypt MP Sahar Albazar, Uganda MP Biyika Lawrence Songa, and Austria MP Lukas Hammer

Transformative Legislative Actions for a Just and Equitable Energy Transition
Speakers: Egypt MP Sahar Albazar, Nepal MP Anjan Shakya, Tanzania MP Nusrat Hanja, Canada Senator Rosa Galvez, Bolivia Senator Cecilia Requena, Uganda MP Biyika Lawrence Songa, and Brazil MP Livia Duarte

Leveraging NDCs to Transition Away from Fossil Fuels and Protect Biodiversity
Organizers: Leave it in the Ground Initiative (LINGO), IEMA, NRGI, and PAIRVI
Speakers: Uganda MP Biyika Lawrence Songa, Bolivia Senator Cecilia Requena, Brazil MP Livia Duarte, etc.

Diálogo con estudiantes y jóvenes ambientales de Colombia
Dialogue with students and young environmentalists in Colombia

Diálogo multisectorial: estrategias para proteger a los defensores del medio ambiente en América Latina
Anfitrión: Parlamentarios por un Futuro Libre de Fósiles y Global Witness
Multi-sectorial dialogue: strategies to protect environmental defenders in Latin America
Green Zone (Casa Pa' Voz); 9:00–10:30
Hosts: Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and Global Witness

Primera Audiencia Pública: Investigación parlamentaria global sobre el progreso de la eliminación gradual de los combustibles fósiles en la Amazonía
First Public Hearing of the Global Parliamentary Inquiry into Progress on Fossil Fuels Phase Out in the Amazon

Diálogo Parlamentario: Amazonía Libre de Combustibles Fósiles
Parliamentary Dialogue: Fossil Fuel-Free Amazon
With parliamentarians from Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Bolivia, Venezuela and Canada

Foro Parlamentario: “Parlamentarios por las Transiciones Económicas en el Cuidado, Conservación y Uso Sostenible de la Biodiversidad”
Parliamentary Forum: Parliamentarians for Economic Transitions in the Care, Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity

Bridges and Barriers to Fossil Fuel Phase Out
Hosted by the Commission Project with Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future and other groups.

Press briefing: UN Summit of the Future Outcomes
Parliamentarians will react to the outcomes of the UN Summit of the Future and discuss urgent issues on energy transition that will be tackled in the upcoming UN conferences on climate change and biodiversity in Azerbaijan (COP29) and Colombia (COP16), respectively.

Parliamentary Dialogue on Finance, Adaptation and Loss and Damage
This invitation-only parliamentary dialogue will host parliamentarians from both the Global North and South. It is being organized during Climate Week NYC by DanChurchAid and Bread for the World.

PARLIAMENTARY FORUM: Financing the Future: Aligning Finance with the Promise of the Paris Agreement
The Parliamentary Forum "Financing the Future: Aligning Finance with the Promise of the Paris Agreement" is being organized by the Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future in cooperation with Rainforest Action Network and Asian Peoples’ Movement on Debt and Development.

Webinar: The Threats of Fossil Fuel Expansion to Global Bio-Cultural Diversity
The webinar “The Threats of Fossil Fuel Expansion to Global Bio-Cultural Diversity” is scheduled for September 16, 2024, 1-3 PM UTC. Register at

Lanzamiento regional: Investigación parlamentaria global sobre el progreso de la eliminación gradual de los combustibles fósiles en la Amazonía
Regional Launch: Global Parliamentarians’ Inquiry into the Progress of Fossil Fuels Phase Out in the Amazon