Participants: Germany MP Lisa Badum and Canada Senator Rosa Galvez (co-initiators of the Global Legislators’ Call), Bolivia Senator Cecilia Requena, Uganda MP Biyika Lawrence Songa, Tanzania MP Nusrat Hanje, Tanzania, Egypt MP Sahar Albazar, Austria MP Lukas Hammer, and Nepal MP Anjan Shakya.
With growing climate urgency, the world’s legislators have a pivotal role in pushing for decisive action to limit fossil fuel dependency and transition to clean energy systems. This event, organized by the Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future, will showcase the publication of the second edition of the Global Legislators’ Call Against the Proliferation of LNG Infrastructure. This open letter underscores the need to halt liquefied natural gas (LNG) expansion and focus on policies that foster clean energy pathways.
Originally initiated ahead of COP28 in 2023 by Rep. Lisa Badum from Germany, Senator Rosa Galvez from Canada, and Senator Edward J. Markey from the United States, the Global Legislators’ Call has gone from 25 to 130 global signatories in less than a year. The full text of the open letter is available in English, German, Spanish, French, and Portuguese.
At COP26 in 2021, 39 countries and financial institutions committed to the Glasgow Statement, prioritizing a shift to clean energy and ending public financial support for fossil fuels by 2022. However, LNG infrastructure projects are still proliferating, placing agreed climate targets and the habitability of our planet at severe risk. COP28’s 2023 commitment to accelerate net-zero energy systems globally reiterates the urgency to act within this critical decade. Yet, significant new investments are flowing into fossil fuel infrastructures, creating harmful overcapacities and financial risk through stranded assets.