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Webinar: The Threats of Fossil Fuel Expansion to Global Bio-Cultural Diversity

Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future

Webinar Series for Parliamentarians

The Threats of Fossil Fuel Expansion to Global Bio-Cultural Diversity

(Organized with Earth Insight)

Date: September 16, 2024

Time: 1-3 PM UTC

Platform: Zoom


  • Hon. Raoul Manuel, Member of Parliament, Philippines (moderator)

  • Juan Pablo Osornio, Engagement Director, Earth Insight (resource person)

Panel of Reactors:

  • Hon. Nusrat Hanje, Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  • Hon. Juan Carlos Lozada, Member of Parliament, Colombia


Last year Earth Insight, Losing Ground: Fossil Fuel Extraction Threats to Protected Areas around the World revealed that there are at least 918 protected areas globally that host ongoing or planned fossil fuel extraction projects, with a total of 2,337 active or proposed oil, gas, and coal projects within these areas.

These projects in protected areas are set to extract over 50.8 Gt of CO emissions from oil, gas, and coal reserves. This surpasses the combined annual emissions of the US and China and could be avoided if fossil fuel extraction in protected areas ceased. In the Congo basin, 45 protected areas, and 38% of their total extent is overlapped by planned oil and gas blocks. In the Western Amazon, 26 protected areas and 12% of their total extent is covered by oil and gas blocks (4% at the level of the entire Amazon). In Southeast Asia, an estimated 361 protected areas or 21% of their combined extent is covered by oil and gas blocks.

Since then, Earth Insight has built on this work to expand and deepen its analysis. In this webinar, Earth Insight will present the future threats of fossil fuel expansion to key bio-cultural areas across the pan-tropics. Maps to be presented will include LNG expansion in South America, East Africa and Southeast Asia; the threat of the EACOP pipeline; a detailed map of Colombian unassigned oil and gas blocks; and, fossil fuel expansion threats to Isolated Indigenous Peoples in Peru.

This webinar is part of a broader series aimed at enhancing the capacity of parliamentarians in engaging in climate discussions and policymaking.


  1. Examine and discuss the multidimensional threats of fossil fuel extraction in key bio-cultural areas across the pan-tropics;

  2. Discuss potential socio-political and environmental consequences of continuing fossil fuel development in these regions, emphasizing the need to stop fossil fuel expansion and push for sustainable alternatives;

  3. Foster dialogue and collaboration among parliamentarians from different countries to share experiences, challenges, and solutions in addressing threats of fossil fuel extraction in protected areas;

  4. Encourage parliamentarians to consider and advocate for policies that protect vulnerable bio-cultural areas, support Indigenous rights, and prioritize sustainable energy development.

It aims to do a deep dive on the overview of fossil fuel extraction in protected areas presented during the 4th Public Hearing of the Global Parliamentarians’ Inquiry on the Progress of Fossil Fuels Phase out in June this year in Italy.


1:05 - 1:20 Opening /Introduction to the webinar

Overview of Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future

  • Hon. Raoul Manuel, Member of Parliament, Philippines (moderator)

1:20 - 2:00 Threats of fossil fuel expansion to key bio-cultural areas across 

the pan-tropics

  • Juan Pablo Osornio, Engagement Director, Earth Insight

2:00 - 2:30 Reactions from the Panel:

  • Hon. Nusrat Hanje, Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  • Hon. Juan Carlos Lozada, Member of Parliament, Colombia

2:30 - 2:50     Open Forum 

2:50 - 3:00     Recap and Closing (moderator)

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