Parliamentarians Issue Strong Call for G7 to Commit to a Fossil-Free Future 

Statement from Parliamentarians for a Fossil Free Future Towards the G7 Leaders' Summit


13 June 2024 (signatories updated as of 20 July 2024)


As members of Parliamentarians for a Fossil-Free Future, we stand united in our call for urgent and transformative climate commitments at the Group of Seven Leaders' Summit. The G7 countries, as major economies and significant contributors to global greenhouse gas emissions, have a unique responsibility and capacity to lead the way in the fight against climate change.

Our Demands

We hereby call on the G7 to lead by example and pursue the following:

A Rapid and Just Phase Out of Fossil Fuels and Direct Transition to Renewable Energy Systems

  1. Halt direct and indirect  public financing for fossil fuel projects. This includes ending subsidies for coal, oil, and gas development both domestically and internationally, and mandating  public financial institutions to develop and implement plans stopping all forms of public support for fossil fuels. There should be clear timelines and accountability mechanisms.

  2. Redirecting fossil fuel subsidies and public financing  towards renewable energy sources. 

  3. Implementation of policies to  phase out private financing for new fossil fuel projects. This includes coal, oil, and gas extraction, as well as associated infrastructure projects.

  4. Halting the approval and development of new fossil fuel extraction and infrastructure projects, including coal, oil, and gas.

  5. Developing and implementing a comprehensive plan to urgently phase out existing fossil fuel projects. This plan should include clear timelines, targets, and accountability measures to ensure a rapid transition away from fossil fuels.

  6. Stop the promotion of gas as transition fuel and the promotion of false solutions that lengthen the life or delay the phase out of fossil fuel projects

  7. Investing substantially in renewable energy infrastructure and technologies. Provide financial and technical support to accelerate the deployment of renewable  energy solutions, ensuring they are accessible and affordable for all.

Commit to an Equitable and Just Transition:

  1. Plan and implement an equitable just transition that supports workers and communities currently dependent on the fossil fuel industry. Investments in reskilling, social protections, and community-led renewable energy projects are crucial to ensure that no one is left behind.

Scaling up Delivery of Climate Finance:

  1. The G7 must fulfill their obligations to deliver public, adequate, new and additional and non-debt creating Climate Finance for developing countries.  Climate Finance should cover mitigation, adaptation, loss and damage and just transition.  There should be massive scaling up of commitments far beyond the $100 billion annual pledge which is only a small fraction of the amount needed and due to the developing countries. 

Strengthening NDCs:

  1. Submit more ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) that enshrine the phaseout of fossil fuels and align with the 1.5°C threshold of the Paris Agreement. This includes setting clear, science-based targets for reducing emissions and enhancing resilience.

The Time for Action is Now

The science is unequivocal: we are running out of time to prevent the most catastrophic impacts of climate change. The recent IPCC reports have highlighted the urgent need for rapid, far-reaching, and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society. As G7 leaders gather in Apulia, Italy, we implore them to recognize the gravity of the crisis and rise to the occasion with bold and decisive action.

Our Commitment

As parliamentarians, we pledge to hold our governments accountable for their climate commitments and to champion policies that drive the transition to a fossil-free future. We will work tirelessly to ensure that justice, equity, and human rights are at the heart of all climate actions.

Join Us in This Critical Effort

We invite fellow parliamentarians worldwide to join us in demanding that the G7 leaders take the necessary steps to safeguard our planet and future generations. Together, we can create a just and sustainable world for all.

We urge the G7 leaders to seize this moment and lead the world towards a fossil-free, equitable, and resilient future. The time for action is now.


  1. Hon. Rosa Galvez - Senator, Canada

  2. Hon. Saber Chowdhury - Member of Parliament / Minister of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Bangladesh

  3. Hon. Ralph Regenvanu - Member of Parliament / Minister for Climate Change Adaptation, Energy and Environment, Vanuatu

  4. Hon. Petros Kokkalis - Member of the European Parliament

  5. Hon. Mohamed Abukar Abdi - Member of Parliament, Somalia

  6. Hon. Abdoulie Njai - Member of Parliament, The Gambia

  7. Hon. Modou Lamin B. Bah - Member of Parliament, The Gambia

  8. Hon Nfamara Sabally - Member of Parliament, The Gambia

  9. Hon. Winslow William Waven - Member of Parliament, Seychelles

  10. Hon. Abdul Titus Kamara - Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone

  11. Hon. Anatropia Lwehikila Theonest - Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  12. Hon. Þórunn Sveinbjarnardóttir - Member of Parliament, Iceland

  13. Hon. Njume Peter Ambang - Member of Parliament, Cameroon

  14. Hon. Nusrat Shaaban Hanje - Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  15. Hon. Anthony Kasandwe - Member of Parliament, Zambia

  16. Hon. Mohamed Adan Mohamed - Member of Parliament, Somalia

  17. Hon. Solomon Maren Bulus - Member of Parliament, Nigeria

  18. Hon. Livia Duarte Puty - Member of Parliament, Para Legislative Assembly, Brazil

  19. Hon. Kifampa Martin - Member of Parliament, Uganda

  20. Hon. Kampampi Kabaso - Member of Parliament, Zambia

  21. Hon. Hamza Adam - Member of Parliament, Ghana

  22. Hon. Habibou Aminatou - Member of Parliament, Niger

  23. Hon. Rebecca Yei Kamara - Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone

  24. Hon. Ty Sokhun - Member of Parliament, Cambodia

  25. Hon. Biyika Lawrence Songa - Member of Parliament, Uganda

  26. Hon. Gísli Rafn Ólafsson - Member of Parliament, Iceland

  27. Hon. Natalie Bennet - Member, House of Lords, United Kingdom

  28. Hon. Raoul Danniel A. Manuel - Member of Parliament, Philippines

  29. Hon. Oras Tynkkynen - Member of Parliament, Finland

  30. Hon. Paunine Lambou - Member of Parliament, Cameroon

  31. Hon. Jaime Sáez Quiroz - Member of Parliament, Chile

  32. Hon. Mike Morrice  - Member of Parliament, House of Commons, Canada

  33. Hon. Sahr Charles - Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone

  34. Hon. Mohamed Billoh Shaw - Member of Parliament, Sierra Leone

  35. Hon. Cassy O'Connor, MLC - Member of Parliament, Tasmania, Australia

  36. Hon. Rebecca Vassarotti - Member of Parliament, ACT Legislative Assembly, Australia

  37. Hon. Andrew Braddock - Member of Parliament, ACT Legislative Assembly, Australia

  38. Hon. Kiptoo Kiplimo - Member of Parliament, Kenya

  39. Hon. Essa Conteh - Member of Parliament, The Gambia

  40. Hon. Mercy Chriesty Barends - Member of Parliament, Indonesia

  41. Hon. Lisa Badum - Member of Parliament, Bundestag, Germany

  42. Hon. Wong Chen - Member of Parliament, Malaysia

  43. Hon. Yuneswaran Ramaraj - Member of Parliament, Malaysia

  44. Hon. Young Syefura binti Othman - Member of Parliament, Malaysia

  45. Hon. Lee Chean Chung - Member of Parliament, Malaysia

  46. Hon. Júlia Boada-Danés - Member of Parliament, Spain

  47. Hon. Christina Christopher Mnzava - Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  48. Hon. Joseph Appiah Boateng - Member of Parliament, Ghana

  49. Hon. Juma Zacharia Deng Jonga - Member of Parliament, South Sudan

  50. Hon. Laura Nuttall - Member of Parliament, ACT Legislative Assembly, Australia

  51. Hon. Priska Seiler Graf - National Councillor, Switzerland

  52. Hon. Peter Lomude Francis - Member of Parliament, TNLA, South Sudan

  53. Hon. Kathrin Henneberger - Member of Parliament, Bundestag, Germany

  54. Hon. Ville Niinistö - Member of the European Parliament

  55. Hon. Andrés Cancimance López - Member of Parliament, Colombia

  56. Hon. Fonge Julius Fongouck - Member of Parliament, Cameroon

  57. Hon. Jo Clay - Member of Parliament, ACT Legislative Assembly, Australia

  58. Hon. Yustina Arcadius Rahhi - Member of Parliament, Tanzania

  59. Hon. Tim Read - Member of Parliament, Victoria, Australia

  60. Hon. Lidia Thorpe - Senator, Australia

  61. Danièle Obono - Deputy of the National Assembly, France

Former Members of Parliament:

  1. Hon. Bimala Rai Paudyal - Former Senator, Nepal

  2. Hon. Ferdinand Gaite - Former MP, Philippines

  3. Hon. Josep (Pep) Puig i Boix - Former MP, Catalunya


Parliamentarians call for G7 to lead fossil fuel phaseout at Italy summit