Letter to President Gustavo Petro and Vice-President Francia Marquez and the incoming Colombian Congress from Parliamentarians Globally
Estimados Presidente electo Gustavo Petro,Vicepresidenta electa Francia Márquez y Congreso de la República de Colombia,
Escribimos como legisladores que representan a millones de personas de todos los continentes de la Tierra para ofrecerles nuestras felicitaciones por su reciente victoria electoral en Colombia.
También somos firmantes del Llamado de los Parlamentarios por un Futuro Libre de Combustibles Fósiles, una red de parlamentarios comprometidos a trabajar por un futuro libre de combustibles fósiles para todos nuestros pueblos.
Sus propuestas para enfrentar la crisis climática, trabajar por la justicia climática y lograr una transición planificada, gradual y justa lejos de la extracción de combustibles fósiles son un ejemplo bienvenido del tipo de liderazgo que el mundo necesita hoy.
Lo que nos une es el deseo/objetivo de poner fin a nuevas exploraciones de combustibles fósiles, planificar una reducción progresiva y equitativa de la producción, desarrollar una transición justa y garantizar la cooperación, el apoyo y los acuerdos globales para hacer realidad estas políticas.
Entendemos que gobernar y cumplir con nuestros programas una vez elegidos siempre es una tarea difícil, por eso les deseamos, al presidente y vicepresidenta electos y al nuevo Congreso de la República todo lo mejor. Estamos listos para apoyarlos - al igual que cientos de líderes de la sociedad civil, científicos y académicos - a ustedes y a Colombia en esta nueva fase del liderazgo colombiano hacia un futuro libre de combustibles fósiles.
Dear President-elect Gustavo Petro, Vice President-elect Francia Márquez and Congress of the Republic of Colombia,
We write as legislators representing millions of people from every continent on Earth to offer our congratulations on your recent electoral victory in Colombia.
We are also signatories of the Parliamentarians’ Call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future, a network of parliamentarians committed to working towards a fossil fuel free future for all our peoples.
Your proposals on confronting the climate crisis, working for climate justice, and delivering a planned, gradual, and just transition from fossil fuel extraction are a welcomed example of the kind of leadership the world needs today.
Ending new exploration for fossil fuels, planning for an equitable phase down of production, developing a just transition, and ensuring global cooperation, agreements, and support is in place to make these policies a reality is what unites us.
We understand that governing and delivering on our programs once elected is always a difficult task, so we wish you, the President-elect and Vice-President-elect, as well as the new Congress of the Republic all the best. We stand ready to support you - as well as hundreds of civil society leaders, scientists and academics - and Colombia in this new phase of Colombia’s leadership toward a fossil fuel free future.
Leonardo Grosso, Diputado Nacional, Presidente de la Comisión de Ambiente y Recursos Naturales de la Cámara de Diputados de la Nación
Florencia Lampreabe, Diputado Nacional
Abigail Boyd, Member of the New South Wales Legislative Assembly
Petra Bayr, Member of Parliament of Austria
Saber Hossain Chowdhury, Member of Parliament of Bangladesh and Chair of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Ministry of Environment, Forest & Climate Change, Honorary President, Inter-Parliamentary Union, Geneva
Lotte Stoops, Member of Parliament of Belgium
Maria Arena, Member of the European Parliament
Abla Dzifa Gomashi, Member of Parliament
Elizabeth May, Member of the House of Commons of Canada, Parliamentary Leader, Green Party of Canada
Laurel Collins, Member of Parliament
Peter Julian, Member of Parliament, House Leader for the New Democratic Party of Canada
Rosa Galvez, Senator, Canada
Nathaniel Erskine-Smith, Member of Parliament
Matthew Green, Member of Parliament
Leah Gazan, Member of Parliament
Lisa Helps, Mayor of Victoria, British Columbia
Ariel Robles Barrantes, Diputado
Uffe Elbaek, Member of Parliament
Patricia Sánchez, Member of the National Assembly
Simon Holmström, Member of Parliament, Åland
Manon Aubry, Member of the European Parliament
Marie Toussaint, Member of the European Parliament
Hadrien Clouet, Member of the National Assembly of France
Omar Jammeh, Member of Parliament
Helmut Scholz, Member of the European Parliament
Stelios Kouloglou, Member of the European Parliament
Björn Leví Gunnarsson, Member of Althingi
Gisli Olafsson, Member of Althingi
Mercy Barends, Member of the People's Representative Council
Clare Daly, Member of the European Parliament
Mick Wallace, Member of the European Parliament
Johnson Gwaikolo, Member of Parliament
Charles Santiago, Malaysia Member of Parliament and Chairperson of the ASEAN Parliamentarians for Human Rights
Adriana Bustamante, Diputada Federal
Jorge Álvarez Máynez, Diputado Federal
Mariza Flores Gómez, Diputada Federal
Elvia Yolanda Martínez Cosío, Diputada Federal
María del Rocío Banquells Núñez, Diputada Federal
Ivonne Ortega Pacheco, Diputada Federal
Taygete Irisay Rodríguez González, Diputada Federal
María Leticia Chávez Pérez, Diputada Federal
Rodrigo Herminio Samperio Chaparro, Diputado Federal
Arturo Bonifacio De la Garza Garza, Diputado Federal
Julieta Mejía Íbañez, Diputada Federal
María Ascención Álvarez Solís, Diputada Federal
Andrés Pintos Caballero, Diputado Federal
Sergio Barrera Sepúlveda, Diputado Federal
Horacio Fernández Castillo, Diputado Federal
Jessica María Guadalupe Ortega de la Cruz, Diputada Federal
Mario Alberto Rodríguez Carrillo, Diputado Federal
Amalia Dolores García Medina, Diputada Federal
José Mauro Garza Marín, Diputado Federal
Bimala Rai Paudyal, Member of Parliament
Ed Malaga, Vice President of the Climate Change Commission of Peru
José Gusmão, Member of the European Parliament
Marisa Matias, Member of the European Parliament
Frank Habineza, Member of Parliament
Momoh Bockarie, Member of Parliament
Sahr Charles, Member of Parliament
Miguel Urbán Crespo, Member of the European Parliament
Jordi Solé Ferrando, Member of the European Parliament
Caroline Lucas, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
Clive Lewis, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
Claudia Webbe, Member of Parliament of the United Kingdom
Mark Ruskell, Member of the Scottish Parliament
Baroness Boycott, Member of the House of Lords
Baroness Jones of Moulsecoomb, Member of the House of Lords
Bryony Worthington, Member of the House of Lords
Alexander Randall, Member of the House of Lords
Lord Oates, Member of the House of Lords
Ariane Burgess, Member of the Scottish Parliament
Lord Deben, Member of the House of Lords
Monica Lennon, Member of the Scottish Parliament
Baroness Ritchie, Member of House of Lords
Baroness Sheehan, Member of the House of Lords
Lilian Galan, Member of Parliament
Dayana Perez, Member of Parliament
Martina Casás, Member of Parliament
Gabriela Barreiro, Member of Parliament
Nelson Larzabal, Diputado Nacional
Cesar Vega, Diputado Nacional
Gabrieka Barreiro, Legisladora, Montevideo
James Munetsi, Member of Parliament
Join the Parliamentarians’ Call for a Fossil Fuel Free Future
Join our global network of legislators committed to working towards a fossil fuel free future for all our peoples.